Creation of domain email id comes as an add-on feature for most of the server hosting packages, but it can be accessed for free only from the Cpanel email account section using open source webmail software like roundcube or horde. The application interface and process are a bit uncomfortable for most of the users who used webmail software like Gmail or outlook, So people started using third-party client applications like Mozilla thunderbird which is far better than those online web applications. But what people do not much aware of is that we can use Gmail to send and receive with your domain name. Yes, you heard me right, let me show you how to use Gmail to send and receive email from a domain account.
This involves two different steps one to add email account to receive email and one to send emails from Gmail account using your own domain email id.
Below are the simple steps to use Gmail to send emails from your Gmail account:
1. Open your Gmail account.
2. At the top right corner, click the Settings icon.
3. Click See all Settings.
4. Select the Accounts and Import tab,
5. Goto send mail as section and click “Add another email address”.
6. Add name and email address of your domain account and click “Next Step”
7. In the next step add the server settings of your domain email account and then click “Add Account”
8. If the provided data is correct, then your account is added to the Gmail account to send email using domain name.
9. You will receive a code or link in your domain email id; click the link to verify process.
Now let us see steps to receive emails to the same Gmail account:
- Open your Gmail account.
- At the top right corner, click the Settings icon.
- Click See all Settings.
- Select the Accounts and Import tab,
- Goto Check mail from other account section, click “Add a mail account”.
- Add the email address of your domain account and click “Next”
- In the next step add the server settings of your domain email account and then click “Add Account”
- If the provided data is correct, then your account is added to the Gmail account to send an email using the domain name.
This way you can set up Gmail to send and receive emails with your domain name for free, so if you are a Gmail user, this feature Gmail will be beneficial for you, some business people initially uses Gmail id for their business communication, so it is not easier for them to switch from Gmail to other email clients, So for them, this feature to add the domain email account to Gmail platform will be beneficial and easy to use.
You can also create a separate space to identify emails from you domain name inside your Gmail inbox. During this setup process to use Gmail to send and receive email from domain account, you need to be ready with the server settings information which you may find “Email accounts” section of Cpanel and also the settings was emailed at the first time you have created your email id in Cpanel.